Talk to your customers and ask for feedback.
Retailers must survey and research their customers to develop an understanding of the key triggers that motivate their particular customers to buy. Be it no-hassle returns, low-price assurance, great service, or clear signage, understanding these triggers is key to engineering the store/shopping experience that will drive conversion.
Be in stock.
Ensure displays of merchandise are properly stocked and signed appropriately. Based on studies by the University of Florida, a three percentage point improvement in in-stock percentage yields a one percentage point increase in sales. There is nothing worse than losing business to your competitors when the merchandise is in the warehouse or back room.
Be ready for the customer.
Schedule operational duties like price changes, ad sets, truck receiving, etc. to take place during closed or hours of minimal demand. Schedule enough staff to ensure the tasks do not impact service and the customer experience.
Provide good training.
Your employees represent your store and brand – each and every day and during all open hours. Ensure they are trained to provide great service and are prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure that customer will leave the store as an advocate of your brand. This means not just being friendly, but also being ready to sell “solutions” to the customer.
Build a schedule with customers in mind.
Schedule differently for the peak season, and schedule for customer traffic – regardless of time of day. Have a labor schedule that ensures you have enough sales associates for those peak times, including nights and weekends.
Have a floor leader.
Schedule a manager whose sole focus during the holiday peak season is to ensure customers are taken care of and all associates are in their proper area.
Build an multi-channel strategy.
Today, customers shop in store, online, and via smart phones. Create a strategy, process, and tools that allow a customer to interact – in the ways he or she chooses.
Source: Forbes